Xuyang Guo (郭旭阳)
- Email: xyguoo@163.com(welcome to contact me)
- Work and Research Interest: Computer Vision, Perception, Image Generation and Editing, Machine Learning
Work Experience
- 2022.7 - now, Computer Vision Algorithm R&D Engineer
- Autonomous Driving Technology Department, Baidu
- 2020.1 - 2020.5, Computer Vision Intern
- AI Lab, ByteDance
- Automatic generation of advertising posters based on user input text and drawings.
- Solution: Dynamic content layout, and structured color scheme using two-step approach 1) GAN to generate palette; 2) color matching evaluation.
- 2017.10-2019.10, Teaching Assistant of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Traditional Algorithm Courses
- NineChapter
- The organization aims at online education, covering traditional algorithms, artificial intelligence, etc.
- Hundreds of students have been helped by us by teaching the common algorithms and applications of CV, NLP and ML.
- 2019.9 - 2022.7, Full-time M.S. in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, under the supervision of Prof. Meina Kan. I am also a member of VIPL Group, which is led by Prof. Xilin Chen and Prof. Shiguang Shan. GPA: 3.89/4.0.
- 2015.9 - 2019.6, B.S. in School of Computer Science, Wuhan University. GPA: 3.7/4.0 (Rank within 5%).
GAN with Multivariate Disentangling for Controllable Hair Editing Xuyang Guo, Meina Kan, Tianle Chen, Shiguang Shan ECCV 2022 Project | Paper | Video | Poster | BibTL;DR: We propose a fine-grained controllabel hair editing method. |
Image Style Disentangling for Instance-level Facial Attribute Transfer Xuyang Guo, Meina Kan, Zhenliang He, Xingguang Song, Shiguang Shan CVIU 2021 Project | Paper | BibTL;DR: We propose an instance-level facial attribute editing method with more precise style, which is also compatible with multiple styles of generation simultaneously. |
- 2020.7 - 2021.6, Portrait Relighting
- 2012 Lab, HUAWEI
- Re-lighting with a single portrait image in any target lighting direction.
- To achieve realistic and available effect, we desgin a two-stage solution 1) 3D reconstruction for diffuse rendering; 2) GAN network fine-tuning.
- 2017.11 National Undergraduate Scholarship, Ministry of Education of China (Top 1/60)
- 2019.6 Excellent Bachelor Thesis, Wuhan University (Top 5%)
- 2014.9 First price in Chinese High School Mathematics League (Top 50 in Henan Province)
- I am a lover of technical books. Some Reading Notes and tutorials can be found in my Blog:
- Reading Notes: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (PRML)
- Reading Notes: The Elements of Statistical Learning, 2nd (ESLII)
- Reading Notes: Computer Vision - Models, Leanring, and Inference (CVMLI)
- Reading Notes: Digitial Image Processing, 4th (DIP)
- Reading Notes: Computer System - A Programmer’s Perspective, 3rd (CSAPP)
- Reading Notes: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd (CLRS)
- Tutorial: Summarize the Basics of Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory in Machine Learning
- Tutorial: Book List: Introductory Book Recommendations for Algorithm Engineers
- etc.
- Programming Languages: Python3, C++, Latex, Java
- Frameworks: PyTorch, TensorFlow, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Pyqt5, Pandas, XGBoost, Matplotlib, etc.
- Languages: Chinese (Native), English (Good)
My personal interests include Math, Reading, Tin whistle, Kalimba, Running, etc. Thanks my Lulu ☀.